Category: General

A Very Busy November @ SAM

November is upon us and it is a month of remembering– first, all the souls of our loved ones who have passed on to eternal life; all the saints of our Catholic lore, and last, the time to remember those military personnel who have passed on defending the liberties and freedoms we enjoy today. We welcome the community to join us in our annual Remembrance ... Continue reading "A Very Busy November @ SAM"

October News

The school year is well underway, as we are now into October, which is always a very busy month at St. Angela Merici. Among other things, we celebrate our first mass of the year by coming together as a community to give thanks for all that God provides for Thanksgiving Eucharist. The school’s first athletic event of the year takes place with our cross country ... Continue reading "October News"

Welcome Back!

Parents, guardians, families, while we are busy preparing for the start of another school year here at St. Angela Merici. We hope and trust your summer break has been a restful and enjoyable one, as the weather certainly cooperated.

On Tuesday September 3, all classroom teachers will be posting their class lists indicating the first name and first initial of the child’s last ... Continue reading "Welcome Back!"

June Has Arrived!

It is June, which means another school year nears its end. There are some signs of summer weather on the horizon, which means families are busy preparing and making summer plans and vacations. Here at school, staff are continuing with instruction and assessment, wrapping up the final curriculum units for reports, keeping the students engaged and busy at work. June means the culmination of many ... Continue reading "June Has Arrived!"

The Lenten Season is Upon Us

As we welcome in March, and the season of Lent, our daily prayers and announcements will continue to centre around love, compassion, and displaying  empathy for one another. We share daily reminders about inclusiveness, unity, and forgiveness, in an effort to better ourselves with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. All of this takes place within the context of our faith, and the pursuit of ... Continue reading "The Lenten Season is Upon Us"