Category: General

Easter Blessings to the SAM Community

Though we will not be able to gather with family and friends to celebrate the Easter holiday as in past years, Easter still provides us all with an opportunity to turn to Christ for inspiration. We need this inspiration more than ever, as we all deal with the challenges of COVID19 that have changed the world as we know it. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection reminds ... Continue reading "Easter Blessings to the SAM Community"

March Update

March arrives, and with it, the season of Lent is upon us. It is a time of preparation for what is the most sacred and monumental celebration of our Christian faith, that is the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Lent is the time of year when we observe our forty days journey toward Easter. The word Lent comes from the root word ... Continue reading "March Update"

February News

Though it is a short month, it is indeed a busy one here at St. Angela Merici. Of course, we kick off our yearly Carnaval celebration and festivities the first week of the month with the usual array of fun-themed apparel days, along with numerous additional Carnaval experiences, games, and activities. Reports for Term 1 are also issued, and this serves as a great jumping ... Continue reading "February News"

The Season of Advent

St. Angela Merici parents and guardians, the season of Advent is here, and with it brings hope and joy as we prepare for the coming of the baby Jesus. There will be several school celebrations this month as we anticipate the arrival of Christmas, and none more important than our community coming together to celebrate Advent Mass on Tuesday, December 17th, @ 7pm, at St. ... Continue reading "The Season of Advent"