Rowan’s Law Day – September 27, 2023
In honour of Rowan Stringer and Concussion Safety, St. Angela Merici CES Staff and Students are invited to wear purple shirts, Wednesday, September 27, 2023.
In honour of Rowan Stringer and Concussion Safety, St. Angela Merici CES Staff and Students are invited to wear purple shirts, Wednesday, September 27, 2023.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Please review this week’s Friendly Friday Update which includes a Week at a Glance, Upcoming Dates, and information to support student learning, safety and faith development.
As we start a new school year, we hope you will take some time to review the SafeArrival information below.
When your child is sick, we understand that informing their school can be easily forgotten. But when absent students are not reported and office staff are unable to contact their parent/guardian, schools must assume the child is lost ... Continue reading "SafeArrival Information: Keeping Our Kids Safe"
Please review this week’s Friendly Friday Update which includes a Week at a Glance, Upcoming Dates, and information to support student learning, safety and faith development.
Friendly Friday Update. Sept 18th – 22nd.pdf
The days that we celebrate help us remember what is most important to us.
But there are so many days to celebrate throughout the school year – faith days, holidays and social dedications – that it can be easy to lose track of them all.
To help the entire York Catholic District School Board community celebrate together, we have ... Continue reading "Celebrate Throughout the Year with the YCDSB"