Though it is a short month, it is indeed a busy one here at St. Angela Merici. Of course, we kick off our yearly Carnaval celebration and festivities the first week of the month with the usual array of fun-themed apparel days, along with numerous additional Carnaval experiences, games, and activities. Reports for Term 1 are also issued, and this serves as a great jumping point to conference with the children about their achievements and progress, while also setting goals for Term 2, and the rest of the school year, in both academics and in the equally important area of learning skills. Liberty Silver comes by SAM to share her very powerful message about the importance of mutual respect and kindness. Right in the middle of the month, on Valentine’s Day, we will have two dance celebrations, one here during the school day for the students, and then an evening dinner dance. Of course, the month ends with our Shrove Tuesday (Feb. 25th) pancake breakfast, followed by ash distribution the following day on Ash Wednesday, the 26th, as the Lenten season arrives. Please join us for this liturgy which is scheduled for 11:30am on February 26th.
February News