June Has Arrived!

It is June, which means another school year nears its end. There are some signs of summer weather on the horizon, which means families are busy preparing and making summer plans and vacations. Here at school, staff are continuing with instruction and assessment, wrapping up the final curriculum units for reports, keeping the students engaged and busy at work. June means the culmination of many things, including the elementary journey of our grade 8 students, the celebration of another school year completed for all the children, as they continue to grow both spiritually and physically. Also, the entire school community comes together for numerous events to reminisce and look back on  another school year of memories.

We also celebrate Father’s Day in June, and pay tribute to all the amazing men in our lives, including dads, stepdads, uncles, grandfathers, and all those other important men who contribute to the development of our personhood.

On behalf of the entire staff here at St. Angela Merici, we thank you for all your support and assistance throughout the school year, as your partnership is instrumental and necessary, in providing for your children a safe and productive learning environment. We honestly couldn’t do it without your collaboration.