Greetings, St. Angela Merici community. I hope you and your families have had an enjoyable summer break. The staff is busy preparing for the start of the new school year, which is set to commence Tuesday, September 5th. Supervision begins at 8:35am and class lists will be posted in the students’ respective yards (grades 1-3 in the primary yard, the west side of the building, near the public playground, and grades 4-8 in the junior yard, the east side of the building, near the parking lot). Kindergarten students, year 1, are to follow the schedules issued at the end of the last school year, while returning Kindergarten students (year 2, SK) are to enter as per last year’s routines. Numerous staff will also be around the school grounds to assist students and parents. (*In case of rain, an email will be sent out to all families with directions, and that will be issued during the Labour Day weekend.) Wishing you all an enjoyable end to the summer holidays, as we look forward to seeing you very soon.
Welcome Back!